Mark your calendars for Dance Arts Academy's
EIGHTH Annual Recital...
"Legends: Those Who Shaped Our World"
The end-of-the-year show will be held at The Claremont Opera House on June 21 & 22, 2024!
A few dates to keep in mind as we move closer to June:
June 2: Recital Photo Day at the studio
Opening & Finale Rehearsal at the studio
Blocking & Tech Rehearsal at the COH
Friday Dress Rehearsal at the COH
Show Day #1 (June 21) - Friday Evening Performance
Show Day #2 (June 22) - Saturday Matinee Performance
A few notes about our Annual Recital:
This is the ONE weekend that all our students and staff work tirelessly for all year! The kids get to showcase to you and family & friends all they have learned over the course of the year! It is a show NOT to be missed!
Recital costume fees are $80 per class (this includes the costume, hairpieces, tights)
We always need a few parent chaperones/volunteers to assist backstage
There is NO videography or flash photography allowed at the shows
Yes - there are ticket sales for the event! Please remember that these ticket sales pay for the use of the venue and all the additional costs required of us by law.